Angelena's English Blog

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"In Living Color: Race and American Culture"

In Michael Omi's essay "In Living Color: Race and American Culture" he discusses the issue of racism and stereotypes in America and how it affects different races and the careers that they have. He talks about how race is both a paradoxically "obvious" and "invisible" slippery social concept. He also talks about how in our society one of the first things we take notice of when we encounter people is their race and how we utilize race to provide us with clues about who a person is and how we should relate to her/him. The main idea is to provide information on how people are quick to judge based on skin color and how differently they are treated.


  • At 1:25 AM, Blogger BNS said…

    THANK YOU! This was awesome! I do agree. Finally someone on the same page as me


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